Retail and Manufacturing Virtual Training
Via Techstars Startup Week Seattle
Photography by Janette Casolary
In October 2017, we were asked to produce a Retail and Manufacturing event series for Techstars Startup Week Seattle 2017! Our group of accomplished presenters and committed organizers are gratified to share this experience with you.
Recordings of presentations, presentation decks, and resources are for your personal use.
Recordings of presentations, presentation decks, and resources are for your personal use.
The State of Retail: Trend Tracking and Forecasting for Small RetailersPRESENTATION RESOURCES:
City Lab (Cycle of the industry) Compliantia (Holiday pre-season planning) Deloitte (2017 holiday sales forecast) First Data (2016 holiday same-store sales results) National Retail Federation (2017 holiday sales forecast) National Retail Federation (2017 store openings) New York Times (Pricing transparency) Retail Dive (Shoppers choose brick-and-mortar) Shopify (Building community and loyalty) Vend (2017 trends and predictions) HOLIDAY IN-SEASON RESOURCES: Merchant Method (Retail trend reports) National Retail Federation (Holiday Headquarters) |
Experience Design in Retail
Charles Fadem, Board & Vellum
Right click to open a new tab.
Forecasting Foot Traffic: Weather's Astounding Impact on Your Store
AdWeek (Millennial shoppers) The Dor blog Independent Retailer (Solar eclipse retail impact) The Next Web (Offline retail) Vend (Retail analytics) |
From Handmade to Small-Batch Manufacturing: Panel DiscussionPANELISTS:
Rebekah Jaramillo, Rebekah J. Designs Andrea Koehler, The Coloring Project Kristen Rask, Urban Craft Uprising MODERATOR: Christine Guillot, Merchant Method RESOURCES: Big Cartel (Changing creative direction) Marie Forleo (High performance habits) Merchant Method (5 R's of Retail free workbook for Makers) Small Business Trends (Benefits of collaborations) Washington State Department L&I (Internships) |
Beyond Buzzwords: Sustainable Sourcing and Manufacturing at Molly Moon'sMOLLY MOON'S RESOURCES:
Mission & Values Ingredients Milk Fund ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: BFS Capital (Nurturing vendor relationships) Inc. (Hiring for potential) Gusto (Values-driven company culture) |
This year's Retail and Manufacturing event series, and resulting resources page, was made possible by the passion, commitment, and talent of the event production team. With sincerest gratitude and thanks!
Lauren Mikov The Social Stage |
Taslin Crisostomo Amazon |
Janette Casolary Janette Casolary |
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