​The speed of retail is relentless.
If you’re juggling seasonal assortments, each on their unique journey within the merchandise lifecycle, it’s easy to keep charging ahead. To move on to the next season, to design the next collection, and to assort the next product line.
You’re a merchant who’s ready to go up but I hope you’re also ready to look back.
If you’re juggling seasonal assortments, each on their unique journey within the merchandise lifecycle, it’s easy to keep charging ahead. To move on to the next season, to design the next collection, and to assort the next product line.
You’re a merchant who’s ready to go up but I hope you’re also ready to look back.
Whether you call the process post-mortem or after-action review, the value of hindsight can be so much more than 20/20 clarity.
You don’t have to be a systems-using, paper-planner loving merchant to take full advantage of business hindsight. You don’t even have to go slow and steady in order for your business to grow organically.
But you should pick up each breadcrumb you’ve left behind, marking your path to reach your goals.
This episode of Retail Charm School: Simplify Your Continued and Sustained Retail Growth, I’ll teach you a simple and effective habit you can use weekly, monthly, seasonally. In fact, it’s so simple that people often dismiss it. But not you!
You don’t have to be a systems-using, paper-planner loving merchant to take full advantage of business hindsight. You don’t even have to go slow and steady in order for your business to grow organically.
But you should pick up each breadcrumb you’ve left behind, marking your path to reach your goals.
This episode of Retail Charm School: Simplify Your Continued and Sustained Retail Growth, I’ll teach you a simple and effective habit you can use weekly, monthly, seasonally. In fact, it’s so simple that people often dismiss it. But not you!